碧村瀑布咖啡建筑设计 Architectural Design of Waterfall Café in Bicun Village
项目名称: 山西省吕梁市碧村瀑布咖啡建筑设计
Project Name: Architectural Design of Waterfall Café in Bicun, Lvliang, Shanxi Province
Location: Bicun, Lvliang City, Shanxi Province
Data: 353 m² (180 m² renovation of existings, 173 m² extensions)
Client: Bicun Village
Design Team: Li Shuwen, Zhang Jin, Zhang Yangfan
Design Description:
Bicun is located in Xingxian County, Lvliang City, Shanxi Province, at the confluence of the Yellow River and the Weifen River. It is a key access point to the Yellow River and was historically significant geographic.
The earliest human activity in Bicun can be traced back to the mid-Yangshao period, approximately 5,000 years ago. Since then, the site has been continuously inhabited by various ancient communities. A new recent discovered ruin covers an area of 75ha, and consist of four terraces from west to east, it spans through the Yangshao, Longshan, Han, Liao-Jin, and Ming-Qing Dynasties, with the Longshan period artifacts being the most abundant and distributed throughout the site.
The Waterfall Café and Village Canteen are located in the core development area of Bicun village, positioned as key attractions in the cultural and tourism activities of the village.
瀑布咖啡位于03号地块,现存两层共四间砖木混合结构靠崖式窑洞, 基地地势较高,视野开阔。基地西侧存在夹角近90度的自然峭壁。基地南侧及北侧均临二级步道,东侧临一级步道,与南侧道路存在约6米高差。
The Waterfall Café is situated at Plot 03, where there are currently two levels of four brick-and-wood hybrid cliffside cave dwellings. The site is elevated with an open view and is bordered by a nearly 90-degree natural cliff on its western side. The site connects a 6 meters difference of level from the southern to the north path.
The design concept benefits from difference of levels, by inserting a 13-meter-high clock tower structure into the cliffside. The tower incorporates a staircase and built by a cave-style arched structure, combined with the waterfall landscape, this creates a distinctive landmark that reflects Bicun’s local cultural and geographic characteristics.
Visitors enter the café through the tower, which connects organically to different functions such as café areas, exhibition halls, viewing platforms, and village pathways at different elevations.